Zumonat C-40 Hydraulic Juicing Press
ZumoNat is one of the most unique machines among professional juice squeezing equipment on the market today. This automatic hydraulic press is capable of quickly and effectively squeeze juice from the largest grapefruits, pomegranates, grapes, melon and many other fruits. ZumoNat is the most versatile, functional and the smallest juicer on the market.
Fruits are loaded by hand which allows you to squeeze very large fruits, which automatic juicers will not be able to do because of the size requirements. Once the fruits are loaded, just click on “Start” to begin squeezing. If at the time of extraction someone opens the lid, the press will immediately stop. Process of squeezing and filtration of the juice takes approximately 5 seconds, regardless of the fruit you are squeezing. It is very easy to service the machine. It will only take 5 minutes at the end of your day to wash the press.
ZumoNat will be an excellent addition to your equipment, whether it is a juice bar, a restaurant or a supermarket.
Juice yield figures for some fruits:
Grapefruit: 48% of the fruit weight. Productivity is 37 oz/min.
Pomegranate: 46% of the fruit weight.